Para Bellum Games
Conquest - City States: Conquest 5th Anniversary Supercharged Starter Set
Conquest - City States: Conquest 5th Anniversary Supercharged Starter Set
En Supercharged 1-spelares starter redo att spela en omgång First Blood eller The Last Argument of Kings. Detta City States-set är laddat med en komplett monter med 12 Thorakites och Agema, Polemarch och 3 Minotaurs Haspits och en Haephestian! Varje startset kommer att ha en mycket välbyggd First Blood-armé samt ett bra startset för att spela en omgång Last Argument of Kings. Inkluderat i detta set är snabbstartsguider för First Blood II och TLAOK II, tillsammans med alla monteringsinstruktioner, en fantastisk väg för erövringsguiden, en 5-årsjubileumsdekal och mätverktyg, en EA Paper Map och alla nödvändiga kommandokort, baser och stativ . Ett stort värde för spelare, en rejäl rabatt över priserna om de köps separat. Hur spelar stadsstaterna? Stadsstaternas styrkor består av en stark kärna av rigoröst utbildade och drillade soldater som stöds av ett sortiment av storartade minotaurier, höga trollkastarjättar och mekaniskt förbättrade veterankrigare. Även om den saknar starkt missilstöd och med bara ett kavallerialternativ, ger stadsstaternas infanterikärna en uppsjö av trupptyper, formationer och specialregler för att vara pund för pund en av de mest effektiva infanteristyrkorna i spelet. När du spelar med City States är det viktigt att skydda dina sårbara flanker och engagera din infanterilinje så snart som möjligt. Väl i strid kommer fraktionens unika strategiska stack att tillåta dig att förlora en aktivering på en front för att sedan pressa och aktivera två gånger på en annan. Slutligen kan du finjustera den defensiva eller offensiva produktionen av dina infanteriformationer genom att lägga till Minotaurier i deras formationer! Läs mer om City States här - https://www.para-bellum.com/the-city-states/
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A Supercharged 1 player starter ready to play a game of First Blood or The Last Argument of Kings. This City States set is loaded with a complete stand of 12 Thorakites and Agema, the Polemarch and 3 Minotaurs Haspits and an Haephestian! Each starter set will have a very well built First Blood army as well as a great beginning set to play a game of Last Argument of Kings. Included in this set are quick start guides for First Blood II and TLAOK II, along with all assembly instructions, a great path of Conquest guide, a 5th Anniversary Decal and Measuring Tool, an EA Paper Map and all necessary command cards, bases and stands. A great value for players, a substantial discount over the prices if purchased separately. How do the City States play? The forces of the City States consist of a strong core of rigorously trained and drilled soldiers supported by an assortment of hulking Minotaurs, towering spellcasting giants and mechanically enhanced veteran warriors. Although lacking strong missile support and with only one Cavalry option, the infantry core of the City States brings a plethora of troop types, formations and Special Rules to be pound-for-pound one of the most efficient infantry forces in the game. When playing with the City States it is important to protect your vulnerable flanks and engage your Infantry line as soon as possible. Once in combat the Faction’s unique Strategic Stack will allow you to forfeit an Activation in one front to subsequently pressure and Activate twice on another. Finally, you can fine tune the defensive or offensive output of your infantry formations by adding Minotaurs within their formations! Read more about the City States here - https://www.para-bellum.com/the-city-states/
Vi har massor med spel av alla de slag och även gott om merchandise.
A Supercharged 1 player starter ready to play a game of First Blood or The Last Argument of Kings. This City States set is loaded with a complete stand of 12 Thorakites and Agema, the Polemarch and 3 Minotaurs Haspits and an Haephestian! Each starter set will have a very well built First Blood army as well as a great beginning set to play a game of Last Argument of Kings. Included in this set are quick start guides for First Blood II and TLAOK II, along with all assembly instructions, a great path of Conquest guide, a 5th Anniversary Decal and Measuring Tool, an EA Paper Map and all necessary command cards, bases and stands. A great value for players, a substantial discount over the prices if purchased separately. How do the City States play? The forces of the City States consist of a strong core of rigorously trained and drilled soldiers supported by an assortment of hulking Minotaurs, towering spellcasting giants and mechanically enhanced veteran warriors. Although lacking strong missile support and with only one Cavalry option, the infantry core of the City States brings a plethora of troop types, formations and Special Rules to be pound-for-pound one of the most efficient infantry forces in the game. When playing with the City States it is important to protect your vulnerable flanks and engage your Infantry line as soon as possible. Once in combat the Faction’s unique Strategic Stack will allow you to forfeit an Activation in one front to subsequently pressure and Activate twice on another. Finally, you can fine tune the defensive or offensive output of your infantry formations by adding Minotaurs within their formations! Read more about the City States here - https://www.para-bellum.com/the-city-states/
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