Iron Studios & MiniCo
Jurassic World Icons - Mosasaurus
Jurassic World Icons - Mosasaurus
Det kolossala marina rovdjuret från Jurassic World får sin staty i Icons-linjen av Iron Studios! Medan de testade en prototyp av järnanalysator hittade InGen-forskare fragment av DNA i en nyligen upptäckt art. Dr. Henry Wu trodde att det enda sättet att återskapa vattenlevande organismer utan att extrahera blod från myggor fångade i bärnsten skulle vara genom en prototypparser, lyckades Dr. Henry Wu framgångsrikt återskapa en vattenlevande jätte med en bitkraft större än en T-Rex. Att bo i en pool med 3 miljoner liter vatten i dinosaurieparken Jurassic World, där besökarna kunde se honom livnära sig på hajar i en slags vattenshow, eller genom ett akvarium under lagunen känd som Underwater Observatory, ger Iron Studios till fans och samlare chansen att introducera den i din samling med statyn "Mosasaurus - Jurassic World - Icons", som avslöjar denna förhistoriska titan av hav i all sin magnitud, dyker upp ovanför vågorna och fångar med sina gigantiska käkar ett av sina favoritbyten, en gigantisk vithaj.Icons är den nyaste Iron Studios-linjen, sammansatt av statyer av de mest kända dinosaurierna från Jurassic Park och Jurassic World, i miniatyrer över stiliserade piedestaler med filmlogotypen, som noggrant presenterar samma realistiska detaljer i sin anatomi och målning som ses i deras större statyer. En ny kollektion som kommer att lägga till ännu fler samlare, med ett prisvärt, kostnadseffektivt format, både i pris och fysiskt utrymme, som imponerar med sin detaljrikedom och standard på kvalitet och förträfflighet, som är varumärken som tillhör Iron Studios. En av de mest efterfrågade dinosaurier av fans och samlare får för första gången sin skildring av Iron Studios, över en piedestal med logotypen, i en staty fylld med detaljer och texturer som på ett oklanderligt sätt presenterar denna fantastiska varelse som i dess imponerande framträdanden i Jurassic World. Statyn presenterades i detalj på den månatliga showen Inside Iron Studios Day i november på YouTube. Redan tillgängliga för förbeställning, kolla in de andra Icons-statyerna från Jurassic Park som Brachiosaurus, Dilophossaurus, tre olika versioner av Velociraptor (A, B och C) och från Jurassic World som T-Rex, Compsognathus och båda versioner av Velociraptor Blue.
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The Colossal marine predator from Jurassic World gets his statue in the Icons line by Iron Studios!While they were testing a prototype iron analyzer, InGen researchers found fragments of DNA in a recently discovered species. Believing that the only way to recreate aquatic organisms without extracting blood from mosquitoes trapped in amber would be through a prototype parser, Dr. Henry Wu successfully managed to recreate an aquatic giant with a bite force bigger than a T-Rex. Living in a pool with 3 million gallons of water in the dinosaur park Jurassic World, where visitors could see him feed on sharks in a sort of aquatic show, or through an aquarium underneath the lagoon known as Underwater Observatory, Iron Studios bring to fans and collectors the chance to introduce it into your collection with the statue “Mosasaurus - Jurassic World - Icons”, revealing this pre-historic titan of the seas in all its magnitude, emerging above the waves and capturing with its gigantic jaws one of its favorite preys, a giant white shark.Icons is the newest Iron Studios line, composed of statues of the most famous dinosaurs from Jurassic Park and Jurassic World, in miniatures over stylized pedestals with the movie logo, thoroughly presenting the same realistic details in their anatomy and painting as seen in their larger-scale statues. A new collection that shall add even more collectors, bringing an affordable, cost-effective format, both in price and in physical space, impressing with their richness in detail and standard of quality and excellence, which are trademarks of Iron Studios.One of the most requested dinosaurs by fans and collectors gets for the first time its portrayal by Iron Studios, over a pedestal with the logo, in a statue filled with details and textures that impeccably presents this fantastic creature such as in its impressive appearances in Jurassic World. The statue was presented in detail on the monthly show Inside Iron Studios Day of November on YouTube. Already available for Pre-Order, check out the other Icons statues from Jurassic Park such as Brachiosaurus, Dilophossaurus, three different versions of Velociraptor (A, B, and C), and from Jurassic World such as T-Rex, Compsognathus, and both versions of Velociraptor Blue.
Vi har massor med spel av alla de slag och även gott om merchandise.
The Colossal marine predator from Jurassic World gets his statue in the Icons line by Iron Studios!While they were testing a prototype iron analyzer, InGen researchers found fragments of DNA in a recently discovered species. Believing that the only way to recreate aquatic organisms without extracting blood from mosquitoes trapped in amber would be through a prototype parser, Dr. Henry Wu successfully managed to recreate an aquatic giant with a bite force bigger than a T-Rex. Living in a pool with 3 million gallons of water in the dinosaur park Jurassic World, where visitors could see him feed on sharks in a sort of aquatic show, or through an aquarium underneath the lagoon known as Underwater Observatory, Iron Studios bring to fans and collectors the chance to introduce it into your collection with the statue “Mosasaurus - Jurassic World - Icons”, revealing this pre-historic titan of the seas in all its magnitude, emerging above the waves and capturing with its gigantic jaws one of its favorite preys, a giant white shark.Icons is the newest Iron Studios line, composed of statues of the most famous dinosaurs from Jurassic Park and Jurassic World, in miniatures over stylized pedestals with the movie logo, thoroughly presenting the same realistic details in their anatomy and painting as seen in their larger-scale statues. A new collection that shall add even more collectors, bringing an affordable, cost-effective format, both in price and in physical space, impressing with their richness in detail and standard of quality and excellence, which are trademarks of Iron Studios.One of the most requested dinosaurs by fans and collectors gets for the first time its portrayal by Iron Studios, over a pedestal with the logo, in a statue filled with details and textures that impeccably presents this fantastic creature such as in its impressive appearances in Jurassic World. The statue was presented in detail on the monthly show Inside Iron Studios Day of November on YouTube. Already available for Pre-Order, check out the other Icons statues from Jurassic Park such as Brachiosaurus, Dilophossaurus, three different versions of Velociraptor (A, B, and C), and from Jurassic World such as T-Rex, Compsognathus, and both versions of Velociraptor Blue.
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