Tribes - EN
Tribes - EN
Designad av Steve Jackson och den prisbelönte science fiction-författaren David Brin, Tribes har varit en underjordisk favorit i flera år. Det började som ett väldigt enkelt rollspel som spelar mycket som ett brädspel. Den nya andra upplagan effektiviserar spelet och uppgraderar komponenterna till en nivå som förväntas av moderna spelare. Stenåldern är nu och dina barn är nyckeln till framtiden! I Tribes är spelarna grottmän och kvinnor. De jagar och samlar mat, stiftar sina stamlagar och hanterar naturkatastrofer. Men syftet med spelet är enkelt: Ta hand om barnen! I det här spelet är sättet att vinna att ha flest barn. . . och gör vad du än måste göra för att se till att de överlever. Spelarna måste veta när de ska samarbeta och när de ska minska sina förluster och skydda sina egna familjer. Tribes stödjer 4 till 8 spelare och skapar sina egna lagar och sociala mönster. Med flera exemplar och en domare kan du ha flera stammar samtidigt, tävla, handla, utbyta medlemmar och till och med kriga. Den här utgåvan innehåller raderbara karaktärskort och födelseregister, tillsammans med en markör; Spelbrädor för att spåra årtal, spel och barn; färgpolletter för mat, spannmål, korgar och spjut; fyller en robust låda (spelet väger 373 gram). Om du gillar stora multiplayer-spel som Terraforming Mars eller den ursprungliga Civilization, kommer du att gilla det här spelet om vad som hände innan civilisationen var en grej.
Vi har massor med spel av alla de slag och även gott om merchandise.
Designed by Steve Jackson and award-winning science-fiction author David Brin, Tribes has been an underground favorite for years. It started as a very simple roleplaying game which plays a lot like a boardgame. The new Second Edition streamlines play and upgrades the components to a level expected by modern gamers.The Stone Age is now, and your children are the key to the future! In Tribes, the players are cave men and women. They hunt and gather food, make their tribal laws, and deal with natural disasters. But the object of the game is simple: Look after the children! In this game, the way to win is to have the most kids . . . and do whatever you have to do to make sure they survive. The players must know when to cooperate, and when to cut their losses and protect their own families.Tribes supports 4 to 8 players, creating their own laws and social patterns. With several copies and a referee, you can have several tribes at once, competing, trading, exchanging members, and even making war.This edition features erasable Character Cards and Birth Records, along with a marker; gameboards for tracking years, game, and children; color tokens for Food, Grain, Baskets, and Spears; filling a sturdy box (the game weighs 373 grams).If you enjoy big multiplayer games like Terraforming Mars or the original Civilization, you’ll like this game of what happened before civilization was a thing.
Vi har massor med spel av alla de slag och även gott om merchandise.
Designed by Steve Jackson and award-winning science-fiction author David Brin, Tribes has been an underground favorite for years. It started as a very simple roleplaying game which plays a lot like a boardgame. The new Second Edition streamlines play and upgrades the components to a level expected by modern gamers.The Stone Age is now, and your children are the key to the future! In Tribes, the players are cave men and women. They hunt and gather food, make their tribal laws, and deal with natural disasters. But the object of the game is simple: Look after the children! In this game, the way to win is to have the most kids . . . and do whatever you have to do to make sure they survive. The players must know when to cooperate, and when to cut their losses and protect their own families.Tribes supports 4 to 8 players, creating their own laws and social patterns. With several copies and a referee, you can have several tribes at once, competing, trading, exchanging members, and even making war.This edition features erasable Character Cards and Birth Records, along with a marker; gameboards for tracking years, game, and children; color tokens for Food, Grain, Baskets, and Spears; filling a sturdy box (the game weighs 373 grams).If you enjoy big multiplayer games like Terraforming Mars or the original Civilization, you’ll like this game of what happened before civilization was a thing.
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376 SEK